A certain amount of graffiti was found on the walls of the Monument.

A certain amount correspond to signs of masons: triangles, circles, letters.

A dozen comprise Hebraic signs. According to professor Golb, one sees proper names (Yehosafiah, kohen, Yehoshua), formulas such as "...Son of... Which in peace its heart rests ", and of the formulas drawn from the writings.

The most visible is located on the southern wall. It is interpreted as " And this house, would be it a great height. ", (prayer of Solomon, 1, Reg.IX.8)


Graffiti hébraïque

We finds also reference to the Torah

The significant number of Hebrew graffiti led some to see that as a proof of the religious character of the Monument. It is necessary however to be careful by interpreting such archaeological documents. Indeed, we knows, neither when, nor by whom these graffiti were written. In any event before the beginning of XIVth century (Expulsion of the Jews by the King of France Philippe le Bel - 1306). That nevertheless gives us a chronological fork of two centuries !
